Ephesians 6:4

And you, fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath, but bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord.”

A father once grieved his son terribly and forever fractured their relationship. The father had promised to take his son on a fishing trip. The boy lived in eager anticipation for the day when just he and his father would be alone on a fish-filled lake. (Such lakes are more in the area of dreams than reality)!

The day of the trip had arrived and the son was eagerly packing all of his gear into the car. It was just then that the phone rang. The father went back into the house to take the call. After a few minutes the son followed his dad just in time to hear him tell the caller that he had nothing important planned for the day and would be right there.

The long-awaited trip was off. Not only was there to be no fishing trip with his dad, but the dad had thought so little of it that he told the caller that he had nothing important planned for the day. The relationship between father and son was torn asunder that day and sadly was never restored.

How many promises have we broken that seemed small to us but significant to another person? But much more important, how have we grieved the heart of God by failing to keep our promises that we made to Him? LET US KEEP OUR PROMISES!

May God richly bless you as you bless others by your words and actions!

– – Pastor Cecil