by Pastor Cecil | Apr 16, 2019 | 1 Corinthians
1 Corinthians 2:9
“But as it is written: ‘Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.’”
We live in a world that has come alive with many things that have been invisible until now. Giant telescopes are revealing the vastness of space far beyond the comprehension of our forefathers. Microscopes have opened our eyes to the world of microbiology that is a universe in itself.
The satisfying thing to me as a believer in God and His Word is that God has revealed much of this mystery long before the scientists claim to have made their discoveries. To me it is far more logical to believe the God who created all things than to trust scientists who often are more interested in having a paper published than in honestly supporting the claims of the Bible.
I do not want to discredit honest scientists, but it is more common for the scientific community to spend a majority of their efforts in disproving the Bible than in reporting with integrity what they discover.
Many scientists have become believers in the Lord Jesus Christ after finding that what was taught in the classroom was contrived and lacked the support of true scientific evidence. It was most often based upon what others claimed, not on the actual evidence!
May God richly bless you as you bless others by your words and actions!
– – Pastor Cecil
by Pastor Cecil | Apr 15, 2019 | 1 Timothy
1 Timothy 1:18
“This charge I commit to you, son Timothy, according to the prophecies previously made concerning you, that by them you may wage the good warfare.”
During WWI the term “trench warfare” became a term of horror and death. In this type of warfare, neither side seemed to gain a decisive advantage. Thousands upon thousands lost their lives with little or no progress on either side.
Spiritually we all too often find ourselves with a similar mentality. We become fearful of Satan and cower down in our trench and wait for the enemy to launch another attack against us. That will never lead to victory. Paul encouraged Timothy to fight the good fight. That means getting out of your trench and confronting the enemy in the power and Spirit of the Lord. It means leading the charge with confidence that He that is in us is more powerful than Satan’s forces.
You may feel weak and unable to muster the strength to fight against the enemy, but keep in mind that it is not your strength or my strength that matters. It is in our weakness that Christ takes over and becomes the invincible power of God unto salvation. Victory is ours through Him that saves us!
May God richly bless you as you bless others by your words and actions!
– – Pastor Cecil
by Pastor Cecil | Apr 12, 2019 | Revelation
Revelation 22:4
“They shall see His face, and His name shall be on their foreheads.”

It was on January 13, 2015 that my precious wife left the trials and pain of this world to enter the place of perfect healing. It brought her wonderful peace, but I have been left to work my way through the remainder of my life without the one who was part of my life since I was a fourteen.
I have a wonderful peace in knowing the Joyce is experiencing a paradise that is beyond my wildest imagination. In bringing that picture to mind I am given a peace that the world can never give and a peace it cannot take away!
If you are faced with the trial and tribulation of life I urge you to seek the peace of God that is offered to all who call upon His name. Rather than focusing your attention on the storms of life seek the precious haven that God gives that will assure you His wonderful peace.
Wonderful Peace
Far away in the depths of my spirit tonight
Rolls a melody sweeter than psalm;
In celestial strains it unceasingly falls
O’er my soul like an infinite calm.
Refrain: Peace, peace, wonderful peace,
Coming down from the Father above!
Sweep over my spirit forever, I pray
In fathomless billows of love!
What a treasure I have in this wonderful peace,
Buried deep in the heart of my soul,
So secure that no power can mine it away,
While the years of eternity roll!
I am resting tonight in this wonderful peace,
Resting sweetly in Jesus’ control;
For I’m kept from all danger by night and by day,
And His glory is flooding my soul!
And I think when I rise to that city of peace,
Where the Anchor of peace I shall see,
That one strain of the song which the ransomed will sing
In that heavenly kingdom will be:
Ah, soul! are you here without comfort and rest,
Marching down the rough pathway of time?
Make Jesus your Friend ere the shadows grow dark;
O accept of this peace so sublime!
To access Wonderful Peace, this week’s inspirational video from, please go to:

May God richly bless you as you bless others by your words and actions!
—Pastor Cecil
by Pastor Cecil | Apr 11, 2019 | Matthew
Matthew 7:12
“Therefore, whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets.”
The following was an encouraging response to my Daily-E-Votional concerning responding to those needing a helping hand. Thanks, Nancy!
Thank you for the message. Enjoyed reading it. Have met a young man who is in a wheel chair and has several physical disabilities. Not many people take up time with him, but several of the people who run the coffee house watch and take care of him when he comes in.
I use to watch 4 classes of mentally handicapped students in our high school until they were sent to a school just for them. Several of these students had to wear helmets or braces on their legs. Some of the parents really took care of them while others did not. The lead instructor told me that these children never get much improvement that at the age of puberty they regress. They become nearly like a 4 year old child. They do not like change and many of them of course die at a younger age.
I have also seen babies who had water heads. They had to be kept in a nursery setting and were taken care of 24/7. They used to have housing for children with disabilities who could not be taken care of otherwise. They don’t have those types of facilities any more.
I have seen parents who had children with Spina Bifida who were taken care of and those who were not taken care of. There was nothing wrong with these children mentally…only physically.
I have seen a couple (the gentleman became a pastor of a church) who both had cerebral palsy. There are many people in this world that just need a loving hug or a kind word. They need others (like ourselves) to show them that God cares for them too. These people have more of God in them than some who CALL themselves Christian possess.
It is sad to see so many people with so much hatred and animosity toward others. There are people who choose sin over what God wants us to be, but we can still show them God’s Love and Pray for them.
Take care and stay safe… may God continue to shower you with His Blessings… in Jesus Name.
Thanks again Nancy. Blessings dear hearts! Walk with God today and be a blessing!
– – – Pastor Cecil
by Pastor Cecil | Apr 10, 2019 | John
John 16:12-13
“I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come.”
Sometimes we are prone to feel that God does not hear us when we pray. This may be due to our lack of attention to see where God is working in our life, or it may be due to our permitting wrong actions and attitudes. Here are some of the things that may cause a failure of God to respond to our prayers:
- Holding grudges against someone
- Having a critical spirit
- Desiring material things of the world rather than spiritual blessings
- Failure to spend time with God in prayer and reading His Word
- Failure to be faithful in worshipping with fellow believers
- Being preoccupied with emotional feelings instead of spiritual reality
- Permitting unconfessed sin in your life
There may be other conditions that could be included. We all need to spend more time listening to what God has to say to us rather than bombarding heaven with a list of things we want from Him. Are you listening? OPEN YOUR EARS!
Blessings dear hearts! Walk with God today and be a blessing!
– – – Pastor Cecil