John 5:43

I have come in My Father’s name, and you do not receive Me; if another comes in his own name, him you will receive.” 

I once received a fictitious story that sadly describes how easy it is to escape personal responsibility to do the will of God.

“There were once four brothers: Every-oneSome-oneAny-one and No-one. They had a very important task to do. Every-one was sure that Some-one would do it. Any-one could have done it, but No-one did it in the end.  Some-one was angry because it could have been Every-one’s job.  Every-one thought that Any-one could have done it, but No-one realized that No-one will do it in the end.  In the end, Every-one was angry at Some-one because No-one did what Any-one could’ve done.”

Does that sound familiar to you?  I do not mean this humorous vignette, but the reality of the situation it describes.  We are prone to expect others to do the job that the Lord calls us to do.  Even when we accept responsibility for doing God’s work, we put off and put off, sometimes so long that we leave the job undone.

What is God putting in your heart to accomplish for Him?  If you see a ministry that needs to be performed and wonder why someone is not doing it, it may well be that you are the one for the task. Are you faithful in doing God’s will for your life?

Blessings dear hearts!  Walk with God today and be a blessing!

– – – Pastor Cecil