Matthew 8:34

“Then the whole town went out to meet Jesus.  And when they saw Him, they pleaded with Him to leave their region. 

Rejection is one of the hardest things in life to deal with.  In one way or another, it is an uninvited guest that will appear at the door of our life one time or another. You alone know what rejection or rejections you have encountered or are encountering at this moment.

Jesus and His disciples had just crossed the Sea of Galilee and met two demon possessed men who lived in the tombs. The demons cried out in recognition of Him and begged Him to be allowed to go into a herd of swine. Jesus allowed them to possess the beasts. The result of this action was that the swine rushed into the water and were drowned. It is interesting that two men, even though they were driven mad, tolerated the demons, but the pigs perished.

The town people had two choices.  They could rejoice over the two demoniacs who had been set free, or they get ticked off about the pigs that were now floating on the water. They preferred the pigs! It does not make sense, but sin never does.  They asked Jesus to leave their region. This is the Son of God!  This is the Messiah who could heal and deliver and restore, but they had lost their pigs, and that was what was important to them.

Jesus left their region, but from that time on the people must have been reminded that they had chosen pigs over the Savior. What is your choice?

Blessings dear hearts!  Walk with God today and be a blessing!

– – – Pastor Cecil