by Pastor Cecil | Nov 15, 2018 | Ecclesiastes
Ecclesiastes 3:11
“He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also He has put eternity in their hearts, except that no one can find out the work that God does from beginning to end.”
Years ago I heard a minister tell of an incident in a hospital elevator where he had just come from visiting a very ill patient. A young man overheard him speak about eternity and, perhaps wanting to mock his view, asked the minister where eternity was. The minister told the boy to place his hand on his chest to feel the beat of his heart. Young man, eternity is one heartbeat away! That may answer where eternity is or at least how close we are to it, but just how long is eternity?
Our daughter was in the hospital near death. One afternoon as the two of us spoke quietly, she said she felt she was cheated out of half of her life. She went on to say that grandpa was 74 when he died and here she was just 35.
That evening as I drove into the garage I noticed that the car had been bringing in sand. I took out a sheet of typing paper and swept up some of the sand. I then sat at the kitchen table and counted out 74 grains. Some were larger than others, but all of them were quite small. I placed the 74 grains of sand in a tiny sample perfume bottle.
The next day as I entered her room I placed the bottle on her bed. When she asked what it was I told her it was grandpa. I asked her to imagine the earth being nothing but a ball of fine sand. Each grain represented one year of eternity. The 74 grains in the bottle represented grandpa’s life. Compared to the entire globe of sand it was nothing. Whether a person’s life lasted long or short – – compared to eternity it was nothing.
It is what we do with the years we are given that matters. We can choose to confess our sins and accept Jesus Christ as our personal Savior or we can continue our own willful way and suffer the dreadful consequences prepared for the lost.
I pray that the video that accompanies today’s Daily-E-Votional will assist you in making the right choice. Please feel free to share it with others while there is still time.
To view the video The Sands of Eternity, go to: or
Blessings dear hearts. Draw near to God today, trust Him completely and be a blessing!
– – – Pastor Cecil
by Pastor Cecil | Nov 14, 2018 | Romans
Romans 7:19
“For the good that I will to do, I do not do; but the evil I will not to do, that I practice.”
I once was enjoying a breakfast at a local restaurant where I noticed a father tending his toddler. She was seated in a booster chair but insisted on standing up. Over and over he asked her to sit down and then would have to pick her up and sit her back down, only to have her pop back up once again.
This scenario was repeated several more times before he finally took the time to fasten the safety belt that prevented her from standing. Just then their order arrived so the little one was distracted by the food and stopped fussing.
It reminded me of the story about a precocious young boy that was driving his mother crazy with his antics. (It may have been me). His mother reached the end of her patience and placed him on a footstool with the threat of a spanking if he got up. The boy defiantly stated, “I may be sitting down on the outside, but I’m standing up on the inside!”
Many people faithfully read the Word of God and understand what it says. They even know the consequences for failure to obey. Some will finally yield and sit in obedience to the Lord on the outside, but they are still standing up on the inside. God has a special blessing for those who not only obey on the outside, but also on the inside. Which are you?
Blessings dear hearts! May God richly bless you as you bless others by your words and actions!
– – – Pastor Cecil
by Pastor Cecil | Nov 13, 2018 | Matthew
Matthew 5:44
“But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you.”
I once noticed a car with a prominent bumper sticker that simply stated: OTHERS. As I sat there waiting for the light to change, I reflected on just what that word means to people. I have heard sermons preached and lessons given on reaching out to others, but the words often did not match the lives of the hearers or even of those propounding the message of concern for others.
There is no secret about the fact that we live in a self-absorbed world. People are so focused on what is best for themselves that they tend to be blind to the plight of others around them.
In the 25th chapter of Matthew, Jesus speaks about the final judgment. To the righteous He gives commendation for feeding, clothing, and ministering to Him. To the unrighteous He condemns them for failing to do those same things for Him. In both instances the people had no idea their actions were considered as unto the Lord. It was then that He stunned both groups by proclaiming that when they took care of (or ignored) people’s needs, they were doing it for and to Him. That, my friend, is being OTHERS minded! Are you?
Blessings dear hearts! May God richly bless you as you bless others by your words and actions!
– – – Pastor Cecil
by Pastor Cecil | Nov 12, 2018 | James
James 5:8
“You also be patient. Establish your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is at hand.”
Sir Isaac Newton, a very brilliant man, published his revolutionary “Laws of Motion” principles in 1687:
- A body in motion tends to remain in motion until acted upon by some outside force;
- A body at rest tends to remain at rest unless impelled by some external force;
- For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
To leave such principles of the universe without spiritual comment, however, would be tragic. The God of the universe who created and designed these forces is that same God who desires a personal relationship with each of us.
Just as there are physical laws of motion in control of the universe, there are “Spiritual Laws of Motion” designed to draw us close to the Lord.
- A soul that moves toward the Lord will tend to continue moving toward Him.
- A soul that is at rest concerning God will fail to move toward Him.
- For every spiritual action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
The enemy of our souls is always trying to draw our attention away from the Lord and, if we are not careful, our momentum will be stopped.Where do you find yourself in relation to the spiritual laws of motion? Have you made promises to make the Lord a priority in your life but then failed to act upon it? Time to get in motion!
Blessings dear hearts! May God richly bless you as you bless others by your words and actions!
– – – Pastor Cecil
by Pastor Cecil | Nov 9, 2018 | Revelation
Revelation 3:20
“Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.”

This beautiful hymn was composed by Will Thompson who lived from 1847 to 1909. The words seem to capture the heart of the listener and draw us to come to Jesus. You can almost picture Jesus Himself standing patiently urging us to come to Him.
He not only pleads for us to come, but he offers complete pardon to anyone and everyone who will come to Him. He offers He has paid the price and He has the authority to extend pardon to any who will come to Him.
The words of this hymn stress the urgent need of those who are lost. Some may feel like they have time before making that decision, but sadly for many they wait too long. Now is the hour of decision to receive Christ’s mercy and pardon!
Softly and Tenderly
Softly and tenderly, Jesus is calling,
calling for you and for me;
See, on the portals He’s waiting and watching,
watching for you and for me.
Refrain: Come home, come home.
You who are weary come home;
Earnestly, tenderly, Jesus is calling,
calling, O sinner, come home.
Why should we tarry when Jesus is pleading;
pleading for you and for me?
Why should we linger and heed not His mercies;
mercies for you and for me?
Refrain: Come home, come home.
You who are weary come home;
Earnestly, tenderly, Jesus is calling,
calling, O sinner, come home.
Time is now fleeting, the moments are passing,
passing from you and for me.
Shadows are gathering, deathbeds are coming,
coming for you and for me.
Refrain: Come home, come home.
You who are weary come home;
Earnestly, tenderly, Jesus is calling,
calling, O sinner, come home.
O, for the wonderful love He has promised,
promised for you and for me!
Though we have sinned, He has mercy and pardon,
pardon for you and for me.
Refrain: Come home, come home.
You who are weary come home;
Earnestly, tenderly, Jesus is calling,
calling, O sinner, come home.
To access this free inspirational video from, please go to:

Blessings dear hearts. Draw near to God today, trust Him completely and be a blessing!
—Pastor Cecil