Matthew 5:11

Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake.

I once had a man from our congregation drop by the parsonage and ask to talk with me. I was delighted and hopeful that he wanted spiritual counsel of some sort. We enjoyed a light lunch before going into my office. Suddenly, out of the clear blue, came these words: “I hate your guts!” Wow! You could have knocked me over with a feather. Prior to this outburst there did not seem to be any hint of a conflict between us, so his statement was a blow.

With my mind reeling, I prayed silently for God’s wisdom and strength. With as much sincerity as possible I answered, “I am so glad that you feel free to share your feelings with me.” From that incident I would like to suggest a few ways to respond to and love the unlovable.

  1. Rely on God’s wisdom in dealing with the person.
  2. Realize that these unlovable people need love—perhaps more than others.
  3. Remember how unlovable our sins are in God’s sight.
  4. Rejoice that we are counted worthy to encounter persecution.
  5. Respond with love rather than retaliate with resentment.

What happened on that Sunday evening so long ago? We spent time together as he poured out his heart. As he was leaving he looked me directly in the eye and said, “Pastor, I love you so much!” Wow! That was a dramatic change from the comments he made earlier. God is so good!

Blessings dear hearts! May God richly bless you as you bless others by your words and actions!

– – – Pastor Cecil