Matthew 8:34

Then the whole town went out to meet Jesus. And when they saw him, they pleaded with him to leave their region.”

Sometimes, when we are rejected by others, we take it as a personal failure. We need to remember that Jesus was rejected over and over even when He performed acts of kindness and blessing.

In today’s Scripture, Jesus had just healed two demon-possessed men who had been forced from society to live in the tombs. Instead of rejoicing at the mighty miracle of restoration that Jesus brought them, the people of Gadara asked Him to leave their region. Wow!

The loving heart of our Master must have been crushed by yet another rejection from those who should have begged Him to stay near and show them the way to victory over the power of sin. They could rejoice over the two demoniacs who had been set free, or they could get ticked off about the pigs that were now floating on the water.  I guess they valued their pigs more than their souls.

Sad to say, there will always be more who reject our message of salvation than those who accept it. If people rejected our Master, there will be many who will reject us. Our response must always be love and continued service for the Lord.

May God richly bless you as you bless others by your words and actions!

– – Pastor Cecil