2 Corinthians 12:7

“And lest I should be exalted above measure by the abundance of the revelations, a thorn in the flesh was given to me, a messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I be exalted above measure.”

In our humanity we often rush to the aid of those of our loved ones and friends who are experiencing some type of pain in their life. The problem is that we sometimes fail to seek God’s purpose in the matter.  God may be allowing individuals to endure hardship in order to bring about His glory in the midst of their pain.  I know that flies in the face of some of those who want every discomfort and pain removed immediately.

In our Scripture for today, Paul shares that he was given a thorn in the flesh.  Some who have tried to guess what that thorn was.  If it was important, Paul would have told us.  By his not naming the thorn, we are better able to relate to the thorn that we may have in our life.  I guess you might say that, “Any old thorn will do!”

Once Paul learned the secret of the thorn, he could see that the Lord’s strength and power was made perfect in weakness.  We may strive to be perfect and have it all put together, but remember the secret of the thorn.  It is in our weakness that the Lord’s strength is demonstrated.  Paul was so excited about this discovery that he began to delight in his weaknesses, insults, and hardships.  Why?  Because it was then that Christ could be seen more clearly.  It is presenting of our body to the Lord as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto Him.

May God richly bless you as you bless others by your words and actions!

– – – Pastor Cecil