Isaiah 41:10

“Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.”

I once read a story about an older gentleman who was always calling his wife by such endearments as “Honey,”  “Sweetie,”  “Dearie,” and “Love.”  When a friend complimented him on the sweet names he called his wife, the old gentleman replied, “I have to … I haven’t been able to remember her name for ten years.”

There was once an unbelieving reprobate who announced to one of his friends that he had come to believe in the hereafter.  His friend was shocked beyond belief and asked him if he had gotten religion?  The reprobate replied, “No, it’s my mind. Every time I go into another room, I stop and ask myself, ‘What am I here after?'”

That is a vibrant question and merits a thoughtful answer.  Peggy Lee, a singer back in the 50’s, used to sing a song, “Is That All There Is?”  It was a depressing song to me.  It is accurate of many people who try to fill their existence with all of life’s comforts, only to come near the end and find that the things of this life will never satisfy.

Jesus often spoke of the “Kingdom of Heaven.” As we think of God’s wonderful Kingdom, there are two elements:  The here and the hereafter. We have a future glory awaiting us.  Are you prepared for the HEREAFTER?

May God richly bless you as you bless others by your words and actions!

– – – Pastor Cecil