Joshua 9:17 

“Then the men of Israel took some of their provisions; but they did not ask counsel of the Lord.”

The Gibeonites inhabited a part of the territory the Israelites were to possess in the land that God had promised them; they had also heard about what happened to other peoples who had tried to oppose Israel. So the devious Gibeonites devised a clever deception. They dressed in tattered garments and had food that seemed old and moldy. They pretended to be a people from a far country and not inhabitants of the land God had told Joshua to conquer.

Foolishly, Joshua and the Israelite leaders took it upon themselves to inspect the material possessions of the Gibeonites instead of inquiring of the Lord as to who these people were. God would have revealed the truth if only the Israelites had asked Him. The outcome was not a good one for Israel.

That is still the case in our own day and age. We frequently try to make our own decisions without spending time on our knees before the Lord seeking His direction for our life.

What decisions are you facing right now? I encourage you to spend time in prayer to seek the Lord’s will for your situation. He knows all of our days that lay before us and He alone can give us the direction we need.

May God richly bless you as you bless others by your words and actions!

– – – Pastor Cecil