Matthew 6:10
“Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”
Recently I found myself being convicted of some words I had spoken to certain members of our congregation. You see, they are considering a move across the country to be near their daughter and grandchildren. Not to mention, it would also be much warmer.
To think of them leaving has been extremely hard for me. They and their family have been members of my congregation for many years. The wife’s parents were also members of my congregation and I officiated at each of their funerals.
The problem is that I have been allowing my wishes to take precedence in the matter. My dear friends have laughingly forgiven me for my desire to keep them here, but I have learned a lesson — LET GOD DO THE LEADING!
I am sure that there are many areas of my life where I have stepped out ahead of the Lord’s leadership. I want to become increasingly sensitive in encouraging people to seek the guidance and leadership of the Holy Spirit instead of the well meaning family and friends looking out for their own interests. We need to encourage each other to pray and let God be God!
Blessings dear hearts. Draw near to God today, trust Him completely and be a blessing!
– – – Pastor Cecil