Philippians 3:12

Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me.

In the second chapter of Joshua we read that the two Israelite spies were saved by the action of  a prostitute named Rahab.  She not only saved their lives, but gave them valuable inside information.  She said that she knew that God had given them the land because the whole land was in fear of the Israelites.  She asked that when they conquered the land that she and her family might be spared.

Rahab followed their orders and the Israelites kept their promise to her.  In the sixth chapter  we read that Joshua sent the same two spies to rescue Rahab and her family.

But the story does not end there, my friends.  She was saved, but God had not forgotten her faith. In Hebrews 11:31 she is mentioned along with the faithful of the ages.  In James 2:25-26, she is mentioned as one who was considered righteous for what she did. Even more amazing, the first chapter of Matthew lists Rahab in the genealogy of Jesus.

Now, that brings us to the practical aspects of the forgiveness of sins in our lives.  When we confess our sins, we can begin to live as new creatures.  It is certainly not God who brings your sins of the past to your mind and causes you turmoil.  If it is not the Lord, it is coming from the other side, and that means Satan. It is only by God’s GRACE that we are saved!

Blessings dear hearts. Draw near to God today, trust Him completely and be a blessing!

– – – Pastor Cecil