Matthew 5:8
“Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.”
Recently I opened the refrigerator door and happened to notice a bottle of tomato juice. On the label I read words I had not noticed before; 100% Pure Juice. I was intrigued by those words. It made me wonder what the statement implied. Just what could be added to cause it not to be 100% pure? WATER!
Water is wonderful stuff and necessary to sustain life. It can also be used to dilute otherwise 100% pure substances – – like tomato juice. What is essential to sustain life can also detract from the pure essence.
We are called by God to be pure in heart. In fact we are given a promise that the pure in heart shall see God. In John 11:26 Jesus reminds us that those of us who truly believe in Him unto salvation will never die. What a comforting assurance to know that when we breathe our last breath here on earth, our next breath will be celestial, 100% pure and crystal clear.
Are there things added to our life that causes a dilution of God’s spiritual will for us? Are we tempted by the things of the world to get our eyes off the prize of the high calling in Christ Jesus? Let’s keep ourselves 100% pure!
May God richly bless you as you bless others by your words and actions!
– – – Pastor Cecil