1 Peter 5:6-7 

“Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that He may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.”

Last weekend I heard the song, “Give It All To Jesus”. As I listened to the words of the song, I thought of the numerous times that I, as well as others, have counseled people to give their problems and concerns to Jesus. Sometimes they did that, but later they had taken their problem back.

I also think of the times when I make a commitment to the Lord, and then some later time realize that I have taken the situation back into my own hands. It is always disappointing to find that I have reassumed control of my problem.

When I realize that I have taken control of my problem once again, I give it back to God…but then take it back again. This gets to be a depressing scenario and often leads to a feeling of frustration.

Today’s Scripture is very plain as to the problem. IT IS PRIDE! Did I just say that? Yes I did! In essence, when we take things back into our own hands we are saying to the Lord, “Lord, this is too big for You to handle; I will handle it myself!”

Do you know how to stop the yo-yo effect of commitment? The next time you are tempted to take back control of your situation, repeat out loud what I just wrote in the last paragraph: “Lord, this is too big for You to handle; I will handle it myself!” I can guarantee that it will stop you in your tracks and cause you yield control back to the Lord!   

Blessings dear hearts. Draw near to God today, trust Him completely and be a blessing!

– – – Pastor Cecil