Isaiah 55:8-9

“‘For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways,’  declares the LORD.  ‘As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts.’”

I do not know if you would call me a “bird brain” or not, but I do love watching birds. For years now I have maintained bird feeders in our yard as well as a supply of good clean water for them.

Earlier this year we purchased a beautiful yellow canary to brighten our home with his sweet singing. We placed his cage a few inches from several of the outside bird feeders. It has been delightful to watch him as he interacts with the wild birds. Some of them seem to be his special friends and gaze through the window pane at our Buddy.

Just recently I have been thinking about the scope of Buddy’s world. It does not extend very far—perhaps ten feet to the shrubs and not much more than that on either side. When he turns around he has our 11×14 feet family room and a portion of the kitchen beyond. This is Buddy’s view of the world.

If there were some way for Buddy to communicate to us about the size of his world, do you think he has any concept of what lies beyond? I don’t think so! Buddy’s world is limited to a few square feet.    

Let’s apply that same concept spiritually. We are like Buddy. Our view is so drastically limited that we cannot even grasp the ways of God. That is why it is always necessary to pray that His will be done. His knowledge reaches into the tomorrows of our life and only He can always be there for us. Thank you Jesus!  

Blessings dear hearts. Draw near to God today, trust Him completely and be a blessing!

– – – Pastor Cecil