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Psalm 42:5

“Why am I discouraged? Why is my heart so sad? I will put my hope in God! I will praise Him again—my Savior.”

A sociologist spent time at a large resort which had a sizable dining room. He situated himself in such a manner, that he could see the food servers as they moved from the dining area where the guests were seated, to the kitchen area, where the chaos of food preparation was occurring. As he made his observations, he noticed that the serving staff changed dramatically as they passed through the doorway separating kitchen from dining area.  In the dining area, they were kind, caring, considerate, and ever so polite.  They wore smiles and were the epitome of charm and delight.

When they passed back into the world of food preparation, they underwent a similar dramatic change.  They lost their smiles and cheery dispositions.  They said things that were short, clipped and often surly.  When their orders had not been prepared to their expectations, they barked at the chefs and made a scene.

Back into the dining area, they emerged as serene and composed, so much so that it seemed impossible it was the same people he had observed only seconds before. Were they being hypocritical and two-faced?  Possibly it could be described in that manner, but it is a common characteristic of the way we operate.

In our zeal of sharing the Gospel, we are often in danger of getting in the way.  We can allow the things that we are going through (good or bad), become more of the conversation than serving the “FOOD” that people are starving to receive.  The treasure is on the inside, not the outside.

All too often, like the servers, we tend to show a different side depending on those who are around us. We need to spend more time allowing the beauty of the gospel shine through, as well as the beauty of Jesus.

Have you ever seen people who are not physically attractive, at least from the world’s perspective, and yet when we are with them for only a few minutes, we see and feel Jesus in them, and they are so beautiful.  It is an inward beauty that is not dependent of clear skin, slim figure, or shiny hair.  The treasure is on the inside, and it keeps showing through to entice people to want that treasure in their own life.  THAT IS THE GOSPEL!

Blessings dear hearts.  May God richly bless you as you bless others by your words and actions!

– – – Pastor Cecil