Hear Pastor Cecil read today's Evotional
1 Samuel 19:16 – Devotional
1 Samuel 19:16
“Does the LORD delight as much in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the LORD? To obey is better than sacrifice, and to listen for His voice is better than the fat of rams.”
When I was a Juvenile Probation Officer I frequently counseled my probationers to be careful about their actions. Just as frequently they ignored my warnings which subsequently led to their re-arrest and being back in Juvenile Court.
We have often heard the expression “haste makes waste.” This is a truism which has merit. It is also true that being careless leads to waste and chaos. It may not be one’s intention to do something wrong, but careless behavior has consequences.
Many people have made a commitment to serve the Lord with all of their heart, mind, and soul. This is a good starting point, but it is just that. Commitment must be followed up with positive and continuous steps of action.
Have you made promises and then allowed the things of the world to slip in which cause you to become careless? Has your careless disregard of spiritual matters then led to problems in your relationships with God and other people? Make a fresh commitment to the Lord and commit to yourself to delight the Lord!
May God richly bless you as you bless others by your words and actions!
– – – Pastor Cecil
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One Year Bible Scripture for Today
One Year Bible Reading for March 7th:
- Numbers 8:1-9:23
- Mark 13:14-37
- Psalm 50:1:23
- Proverbs 10:29-3
Today Pastor Cecil is reading from the New King James Version (NKJV) if you’d like to follow along in your Bible.
Scripture Reading for March 7th
New Testament, Psalms and Proverbs Scripture Reading for March 7th:
- Mark 13:14-37
- Psalm 50:1:23
- Proverbs 10:29-3
Today Pastor Cecil is reading from the New King James Version (NKJV) if you’d like to follow along in your Bible.
If you have watched The Sands of Eternity video above and prayed the prayer at the end, please go to https://PastorCecil.com/ and use the form on the webpage to let us know so we can send you follow up resources and/or send an email to pastorcecil@dailyevotional.com and let him know.