Hear Pastor Cecil read today's Evotional
Psalm 111:3 – Devotional
Psalm 111:3
“God’s works are honorable and glorious and His righteousness endures forever.”
When you make a purchase, you expect the item or items you buy to perform as promised and to last for the length of time expected. As we think of the promises Satan makes, that is never true. He is a liar and the father of lies, so his promises are always false and misleading.
As believers, as we begin each day we are faced with a choice. We can either clothe ourselves with the glorious garments of God’s righteousness or the tattered rags of Satan’s costume.
The garments of God’s righteousness come with an eternal guarantee to never spoil, fade or pass away. In fact we are promised that they will shine as bright as the sun throughout the years of eternity.
In sad contrast, the tattered rags offered by the enemy of our souls will offer no protection from the flames of hell that await those who fail to be clothed in God’s righteousness. Make sure that you and those around you are properly clothed in God’s righteousness while there is still time!
May God richly bless you as you bless others by your words and actions!
– – – Pastor Cecil
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One Year Bible Scripture for Today
One Year Bible Reading for February 21st:
- Leviticus 11:1-12:8
- Mark 5:21-43
- Psalm 38:1-22
- Proverbs 10:8-9
Today Pastor Cecil is reading from the New King James Version (NKJV) if you’d like to follow along in your Bible.
Scripture Reading for February 21st
New Testament, Psalms and Proverbs Scripture Reading for February 21st:
- Mark 5:21-43
- Psalm 38:1-22
- Proverbs 10:8-9
Today Pastor Cecil is reading from the New King James Version (NKJV) if you’d like to follow along in your Bible.
If you have watched The Sands of Eternity video above and prayed the prayer at the end, please go to https://PastorCecil.com/ and use the form on the webpage to let us know so we can send you follow up resources and/or send an email to pastorcecil@dailyevotional.com and let him know.