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REAL LIFE! – James 4:14 Devotional

Hear Pastor Cecil read today's Evotional


James 4:14 – Devotional

James 4:14

We are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.

I survived another Christmas with only a few pangs. At this season I always recall being with my wife Joyce and our family on Christmas as being a very special day. Joyce and I spent every Christmas together except in 1966 when I was on a remote assignment in St. Anthony, Newfoundland, Canada.

During that Christmas season I was broken up by one song lyric that went; “I’ll be home for Christmas, if only in my dreams.” The year 2016 was my first Christmas without Joyce, but her first Christmas with Jesus. SHE HAD A BETTER CELEBRATION THAN I DID!

I recall the days before Joyce went to be with the Lord. Joyce had just been placed on Hospice Care due to her dementia. She was in a hospital bed in our living room. I was not sure if she understood about her condition, but I spent hours beside her bed holding her hand and sharing my love with her.

When my precious wife took her last breath it was her entry into everlasting life. No more confusion or pain for my sweetheart. She received the reward of eternal life — IT IS REAL LIFE BEYOND OUR IMAGINATION. I can hardly wait!

May God richly bless you as you bless others by your words and actions!

– – – Pastor Cecil

The Bible in One Year & Prayer

December 31st: Malachi 3:1-4:6, Revelation 22:1-21, Psalm 150:1-6, and Proverbs 31:25-3

New Testament Scripture & Prayer

December 31st: Revelation 22:1-21, Psalm 150:1-6, and Proverbs 31:25-3

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If you have watched The Sands of Eternity video above and prayed the prayer at the end, please go to and use the form on the webpage to let us know so we can send you follow up resources and/or send an email to and let him know.

THE GOOD AND PERFECT GIFT! – James 1:17 Devotional

Hear Pastor Cecil read today's Evotional


 James 1:17 – Devotional

James 1:17

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.

I must confess that when it comes to selecting gifts, I am a complete and utter failure. My wife, Joyce was the one who always seemed to be able to select just the right gift for each and every person.

In today’s Scripture, James introduces us to the ultimate and perfect gift. It is the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. James was the earthly half-brother of Jesus and did not come to faith until after the resurrection of our Lord. But the time was not what was important, but that he received the good and perfect gift!

We who have been born again have the privilege of offering this supernatural gift to a lost and dying world. People around us may scoff and belittle the claims of Christ, but the truth stands firm and true, Jesus Christ is the One and only answer to the sin problem.

God’s gift is good and perfect, but like every other gift, it only has value when it is received and opened. Share this priceless gift with others in order that they might discover that it is the ultimate gift that will last for all eternity!

Blessings dear hearts walk with God today and become a blessing!

– – – Pastor Cecil

The Bible in One Year & Prayer

November 13th: Ezekiel 27:1-28:26, Hebrews 11:17-31, Psalm 111:1-10, and Proverbs 27:15-16

New Testament Scripture & Prayer

November 13th: Hebrews 11:17-31, Psalm 111:1-10, and Proverbs 27:15-16

Share a blessing by inviting your friends and family to subscribe to Pastor Cecil’s DailyEvotional emails by clicking on the Subscribe button above.

Share the Lord with someone by directing them to

If you have watched The Sands of Eternity video above and prayed the prayer at the end, please go to and use the form on the webpage to let us know so we can send you follow up resources and/or send an email to and let him know.

GOD’S LAWS! – James 5:8 Devotional

Hear Pastor Cecil read today's Evotional


James 5:8 – Devotional

James 5:8

“You also be patient. Establish your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is at hand.”

Sir Isaac Newton was a very brilliant man. He set forth the Laws of Motion. The first law is: A body in motion tends to remain in motion until acted upon by some outside force. The second law has sometimes been called the law of inertia. It states that: A body at rest tends to remain at rest unless impelled by some external force. The third law is: For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Alright folks, that is your physics lesson for today!

Just as there are physical laws that are in control of the universe, there are spiritual laws that are designed to draw us closer to the Lord. The first spiritual law of motion is: A soul that moves toward the Lord will tend to continue moving toward Him. The problem is that the devil is trying to draw our attention away from the Lord and if we are not careful our momentum will be stopped.

There is a second spiritual law of motion is: A soul that is at rest concerning God will fail to move toward Him. The third spiritual law of motion is: For every spiritual action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

Where do you find yourself in relation to the spiritual laws of motion? Have you made promises to make the Lord a priority in your life, but then failed to act upon it?

Blessings dear hearts walk with God today and become a blessing!

– – – Pastor Cecil

The Bible in One Year & Prayer

October 22nd: Jeremiah 39:1-41:18, 2 Timothy 1:1-18, Psalm 90:1-91:16, and Proverbs 26:1-2

New Testament Scripture & Prayer

October 22nd: 2 Timothy 1:1-18, Psalm 90:1-91:16, and Proverbs 26:1-2

Share a blessing by inviting your friends and family to subscribe to Pastor Cecil’s DailyEvotional emails by clicking on the Subscribe button above.

Share the Lord with someone by directing them to

If you have watched The Sands of Eternity video above and prayed the prayer at the end, please go to and use the form on the webpage to let us know so we can send you follow up resources and/or send an email to and let him know.

REWARDED FOR ENDURING! – James 1:12 Devotional

Hear Pastor Cecil read today's Evotional


James 1:12 – Devotional

James 1:12

“Blessed is the man that endures temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord has promised to them that love Him.”

Listen to today’s Message of the Week, “Rewarded for Enduring!” by clicking above on the play button.

Blessings dear hearts. Walk with God today and be a blessing!

– – – Pastor Cecil

The Bible in One Year & Prayer

October 13th: Jeremiah 22:1-23:20, 2 Thessalonians 1:1-12, Psalm 83:1-18, and Proverbs 25:11-14

New Testament Scripture & Prayer

October 13th: 2 Thessalonians 1:1-12, Psalm 83:1-18, and Proverbs 25:11-14

Share a blessing by inviting your friends and family to subscribe to Pastor Cecil’s DailyEvotional emails by clicking on the Subscribe button above.

Share the Lord with someone by directing them to

If you have watched The Sands of Eternity video above and prayed the prayer at the end, please go to and use the form on the webpage to let us know so we can send you follow up resources and/or send an email to and let him know.

COME NEAR TO GOD! – James 4:7-8 Devotional

Hear Pastor Cecil read today's Evotional


James 4:7-8 – Devotional

James 4:7-8

“Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Come near to God, and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you who sin; and purify your hearts, you who are double minded.”

Listen to today’s Message of the Week, “Come Near to God!” by clicking above on the play button.

Blessings dear hearts. Walk with God today and be a blessing!

– – – Pastor Cecil

The Bible in One Year & Prayer

October 6th: Jeremiah 6:16-8:7; Colossians 2:8-23; Psalm 78:1-31; and Proverbs 24:26

New Testament Scripture & Prayer

October 6th: Colossians 2:8-23; Psalm 78:1-31; and Proverbs 24:26

Share a blessing by inviting your friends and family to subscribe to Pastor Cecil’s DailyEvotional emails by clicking on the Subscribe button above.

Share the Lord with someone by directing them to

If you have watched The Sands of Eternity video above and prayed the prayer at the end, please go to and use the form on the webpage to let us know so we can send you follow up resources and/or send an email to and let him know.

NEAR TO THE HEART OF GOD! – James 4:8 Devotional


James 4:8 – Devotional

James 4:8

“Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded.

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My Dad was an encourager and was always there to insure that I was striving to be the man God wanted me to be. He stressed that after he was gone I would hold fast to the Gospel and point people in the direction of the cross. I yearn for the day when I will see my Dad once again, but even more so I yearn for the day when I will meet my Savior face to face.

Our current pandemic is not the first such disaster. In the early years of the 20th Century there was an outbreak of diphtheria in the U.S. that claimed many lives. In 1903 Cleland McAfee was chaplain and choir director at Park College in Parkville, Missouri. As the epidemic swept the area, two of his nieces died from the dreaded disease and the others in the household were quarantined. In Cleland’s hour of grief he wrote the hymn NEAR TO THE HEART OF GOD and brought the college choir to sing it outside the house.

If you are passing through the valley of the shadow of death right now – – I know that each of us will at some time in our life – – let the words of this hymn bring the quiet assurance we need.

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1. There is a place of quiet rest, Near to the heart of God.
A place where sin cannot molest, Near to the heart of God.

Refrain: O Jesus, blest redeemer, Sent from the heart of God,
Hold us who wait before Thee, Near to the heart of God.

2. There is a place of comfort sweet, Near to the heart of God.
A place where we our Savior meet, Near to the heart of God.

Refrain: O Jesus, blest redeemer, Sent from the heart of God,
Hold us who wait before Thee, Near to the heart of God.

3. There is a place of full release, Near to the heart of God.
A place where all is joy and peace, Near to the heart of God.

Refrain: O Jesus, blest redeemer, Sent from the heart of God,
Hold us who wait before Thee, Near to the heart of God.

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CLICK HERE to watch the Near to the Heart of God video devotional.

Blessings dear hearts! May God richly bless you as you bless others by your words and actions!

– – – Pastor Cecil

The Bible in One Year & Prayer

September 27th: Isaiah 51:1-53:12, Ephesians 5:1-33, Psalm 69:19-36, and Proverbs 24:7

New Testament Scripture & Prayer

September 27th: Ephesians 5:1-33, Psalm 69:19-36, and Proverbs 24:7

Share a blessing by inviting your friends and family to subscribe to Pastor Cecil’s DailyEvotional emails by clicking on the Subscribe button above.

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