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REJOICE AND BE GLAD! – Psalm 118:24 Devotional

Psalm 118:24

This is the day the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.”

Are you happy in the Lord?  Do you anticipate the great and mighty things God has prepared for you to accomplish today?  If you say you are happy in your heart, has your heart told your face about it?

There is something about a new day which gives us a hope of a bright new future.  The Psalmist in today’s passage looked forward to a day when Messiah, Jesus our Lord, would come and establish a bright new day.  He was so much committed to the coming of the Messiah that he chose to rejoice just in the anticipation of what the Lord was going to do.

The word “day” appears 1,732 times in the Bible and it is interesting to read some of the passages.  Let me just give you the first and last.  Genesis 1:5 is the first: God called the light DAYThe last use of the word is in Revelation 21:25: On no day will its (the New Jerusalem) gates ever be shut, for there shall be no night there.

That is our reason for rejoicing!  There is a day in which there will be no night!  There is a day when all our tears and sorrows will be a thing of the past.  It will be such a day that we will not even be able to recall any of our pain and longing!  It will be a day that will be unlike any day before — a day which will never end!

Blessings dear hearts! May God richly bless you as you bless others by your words and actions!

 – – – Pastor Cecil