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OUR SHEPHERD CARES! – Psalm 100:2 Devotional

Psalm 100:2

“Know that the Lord, He is God; it is He who has made us, and not we ourselves; we are His people and the sheep of His pasture.”

Years ago I read the words of a shepherd concerning his sheep. He commented that a shepherd always carries both a rod and a staff. The staff is the object that is long and has a curved end. It is used by the shepherd to reach down into a ravine and rescue a sheep that was not able to get up by itself.

The rod is an object more like a club. It can be used to defend the flock from a dangerous predator. It also was used to teach a wayward lamb from wandering into danger. If a lamb tended to stray from the flock, the shepherd knew that it risked being killed. As a last resort he would use the rod to break one of the front legs of the lamb. He would immediately fashion a splint and then would carry the animal on his shoulders until the leg was healed. By the time the broken leg had healed, the lamb would have fallen in love with the shepherd and from then on would never stray.

It is sad to say that we are many times like a wayward lamb. We want to go our own way even when we know that danger is all around us. Our loving Shepherd cares enough about us that He uses painful methods to force us to rely upon Him while we are healing. If you are experiencing painful discipline right now, know that it is because of our Lord’s love and concern for us.

Blessings dear hearts.  May God richly bless you as you bless others by your words and actions!

– – – Pastor Cecil