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FALSE LABELS! – Psalm 56:11 Devotional

Psalm 56:11

“In God I have put my trust; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?” 

People are often given labels that mark them for years or even for their entire lives. I was given such a label as a young boy. That label was that I was a slow learner or one who lacked mental capacity. I suffered the taunts of others who seemed to be sharper than I was.

Sadly, I accepted their label and LIVED DOWN to their estimation of my ability. This was not from just my childhood friends, but my school teachers and some church members as well.

The result was that I believed what people labeled me and failed to apply myself to trust the Lord to use me as He saw fit. Believing what people said about me placed more trust in what others said than in what God said. God had a plan for my life and I needed to listen to Him rather than others.

Listening to God allowed me to graduate from college and then earn a Master’s Degree from graduate school. I only reference these things to show that God can use us to do what He desires for us to do. I urge you to seek His true labels rather than man’s FALSE LABELS!

Blessings dear hearts. Draw near to God today, trust Him completely and be a blessing!

– – – Pastor Cecil