SPREAD THE WORD! – Psalm 37:1-2 Devotional
Psalm 37:1-2
“Do not fret because of evildoers, nor be envious of the workers of iniquity. For they shall soon be cut down like the grass, and wither as the green herb.”
Some born-again believers live their lives in defeat and disappointment. The first two verses of Psalm 37 remind us of what we are NOT to do. In the following days this week we will see how God calls us to respond to life’s trying situations.
STOP FRETTING! We may also describe this as worrying about things that others are doing around us. I recall hearing Dr. Donald Barnhouse tell of his wife perplexing him with all the things she worried about. He suggested she write down the things that worried her and they would discuss them once a week. Each week they began to realize that the things she actually worried about never transpired, and the bad things occurred without warning so she could not worry about them in advance. Sound familiar?
The Psalmist says we are to quit fretting about those who do evil and also to never envy those who seem have it better. We need to view the world around us from God’s perspective and remind ourselves that there is an eternity waiting for all of mankind. Our great reward is beyond the bonds of this sin-sick life.
There is a call for each of us to work while we have the time to snatch the unsaved from an eternity in the lake of fire. Stop fretting and start spreading the gospel!
Draw near to God today, trust Him completely and be a blessing!
– – – Pastor Cecil