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Luke 5:32

I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance.”

If you were to ask most people on the street if they thought you could be good enough to make it to heaven, most would respond that you could. BEEP! Sorry, but that is an eternally wrong answer!

The Scripture tells us that all of us are sinners and fall short of God’s holy standard of righteousness. We can never be good enough to earn our way to heaven. Contrary to what Hollywood portrays, there is no one waiting at heaven’s portals asking us to justify that our good deeds outweigh our bad deeds.

There is an explanation as to how we can be allowed into God’s eternal heaven. It is by the shed blood of our Savior, Jesus Christ. It is not what we do FOR Him, but what He did for us on the cross that makes heaven possible.

All it took for the repentant thief on the cross to gain entrance into the paradise of God was to ask in faith believing. It is the same for anyone who seeks entrance. There is only one way and it is by way of the shed blood of our Savior. If you are relying on any other source to gain entrance remember there is only one way!

Blessings dear hearts. Draw near to God today, trust Him completely and be a blessing!

– – – Pastor Cecil