Hear Pastor Cecil read today's Evotional
Hebrews 13:8 – Devotional

Hebrews 13:8
“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.“
Back when I was eight or nine my parents owned a café in Camas, Washington, called Kelly’s. I have many fond memories of spending time in and around that place. Sometimes I would help the dish washer, but in reality was more hindrance than help.
Years after we had moved away from Camas I always wanted to drive by and see if Kelly’s was still open. I had told my wife Joyce about it enough times that she was no doubt tired of hearing my stories. A day came when I took a trip down memory lane with Joyce. We were able to find my family’s old house and the old church where I had given my heart to the Lord, but my heart saddened when we saw the building where Kelly’s had once been. It was now an insurance agency. Rats!
There were other instances where we tried to find some favored spot only to discover the use had changed and it was entirely different from the way we remembered. It is disappointing to have the buildings of our past change, but it is heart breaking to discover that some people have changed for the worse.
In today’s Scripture we are urged to stay the course and walk in such a way that our life will be an example to others. Jesus is always the same and that is the rock upon which we are to build our life.
Blessings dear hearts. May God richly bless you as you bless others by your words and actions!
– – – Pastor Cecil
Your Guide to Read the Bible in One Year
December 19th: Zephaniah 1:1-3:20, Revelation 10:1-11, Psalm 138:1-8, and Proverbs 30:11-14
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