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A SPIRIT OF HUMILITY!​ – 2 Timothy 2:25a Devotional

Hear Pastor Cecil read today's Evotional


2 Timothy 2:25a – Devotional

2 Timothy 2:25a

“In humility correct those who oppose us. Perhaps God will lead them to repentance so they will find the truth.

I recall people describe someone who was near and dear to them. Often they try to find adjectives to describe what that person was. It is enlightening to recall that they frequently settled on humility as a defining quality.

It is so important for Christians to be known by our spirit of humility. We need to exhibit such a yielded and broken spirit before the Lord so that the Spirit of Christ within us oozes out to minister to those around us.

As I read Paul’s words to Timothy, I am impressed by his instruction to correct with gentleness the ones who are opposed to us. Those are the very ones we are to be gentle with and never to be resentful, impatient, or short with as we interact with them.

This type of Christ-like living does not occur by reading books or attending self-improvement sessions. It comes about by a constant and consistent walk with the Lord. It demands a love of His Word and time spent communing with Him in prayer. The more time we spend with Him, the more we will become like Him. The Lord is our ultimate example of humility.

May God richly bless you as you bless others by your words and actions!

– – – Pastor Cecil

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One Year Bible Scripture for Today

by Pastor Cecil

One Year Bible Reading for July 24th:

      • 2 Chronicles 11:1-13:22
      • Romans 8:26-39
      • Psalm 18:37-50
      • Proverbs 19:27-29

Today Pastor Cecil is reading from the New King James Version (NKJV) if you’d like to follow along in your Bible.

New Testament, Psalms and Proverbs Scripture Reading for July 24th:

      • Romans 8:26-39
      • Psalm 18:37-50
      • Proverbs 19:27-29

Today Pastor Cecil is reading from the New King James Version (NKJV) if you’d like to follow along in your Bible.

If you have watched The Sands of Eternity video above and prayed the prayer at the end, please go to and use the form on the webpage to let us know so we can send you follow up resources and/or send an email to and let him know.

ALWAYS READY!​ – 2 Timothy 4:2 Devotional

Hear Pastor Cecil read today's Evotional


2 Timothy 4:2 – Devotional

2 Timothy 4:2

“Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching.

Long holiday weekends or vacation times are often referred to as “down times.” For the child of God, however, that is never the case. Paul counsels his son in the faith, Timothy, to be ready at all times.

Ready for what we may ask? To CONVINCE – REBUKE – EXHORT. In order to be ready we must be prepared. That means we need to be diligent in reading the Word of God and living it out in our life.

The deeper we go in the understanding of God’s plan and purpose for Adam’s fallen race, the more we will see that His love reaches down to the lowest. It is our privilege to be used by God.

Are you ready? Can you be relied upon to do God’s work, God’s way in God’s perfect timing? Let me leave you with another word of encouragement Paul gives in 2 Timothy 2:15: “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”

May God richly bless you as you bless others by your words and actions!

– – – Pastor Cecil

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One Year Bible Scripture for Today

by Pastor Cecil

One Year Bible Reading for July 3rd:

      • 2 Kings 22:3-23:30
      • Acts 21:37-22:16
      • Psalm 1:1-6
      • Proverbs 18:11-12

Today Pastor Cecil is reading from the New King James Version (NKJV) if you’d like to follow along in your Bible.

New Testament, Psalms and Proverbs Scripture Reading for July 3rd:

      • Acts 21:37-22:16
      • Psalm 1:1-6
      • Proverbs 18:11-12

Today Pastor Cecil is reading from the New Living Translation (NLT) if you’d like to follow along in your Bible.

If you have watched The Sands of Eternity video above and prayed the prayer at the end, please go to and use the form on the webpage to let us know so we can send you follow up resources and/or send an email to and let him know.

PI DAY! – 2 Timothy 4:2 Devotional

Hear Pastor Cecil read today's Evotional


2 Timothy 4:2 – Devotional

2 Timothy 4:2

“Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching.”

Pi (Greek letter ‘π’), is the symbol used in mathematics to represent a constant — the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter — which is approximately 3.14159. March 14, or 3/14, is also my birthday, as it also was my grandmother’s. Since I was born on Pi Day may explain why I like pie better than cake!

There are so many things that I fall short of achieving in my 88 years on this earth. One thing is very clear; I have lived far more years than those years that lie before me. It really is not my decision just how many more days, weeks, months or years I have left to live. I do, however, have a choice as to how I will live those days – – – I choose to live them for the Lord!

As I write these words I suddenly am overwhelmed with the reality that even the youngest person who receives these words has no idea how long they have to live. It may be at any moment that our earthly life will end and eternity will begin.

On this Pi Day, my 88th birthday, I commit myself to follow Paul’s admonition to Timothy. I will strive to be ready in season and out of season to convince, rebuke, exhort for those who listen, to receive Christ as personal Savior and then grow in His grace!

Blessings dear hearts! Walk with God today and be a blessing!

– – – Pastor Cecil

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One Year Bible Scripture for Today

by Pastor Cecil

One Year Bible Reading for March 14th:

      • Numbers 21:1-22:20
      • Luke 1:26-56
      • Psalm 57:1:11
      • Proverbs 11:9-11

Today Pastor Cecil is reading from the New King James Version (NKJV) if you’d like to follow along in your Bible.

New Testament, Psalms and Proverbs Scripture Reading for March 14th:

      • Luke 1:26-56
      • Psalm 57:1:11
      • Proverbs 11:9-11

Today Pastor Cecil is reading from the New King James Version (NKJV) if you’d like to follow along in your Bible.

If you have watched The Sands of Eternity video above and prayed the prayer at the end, please go to and use the form on the webpage to let us know so we can send you follow up resources and/or send an email to and let him know.

USE ME LORD! – 2 Timothy 4:2 Devotional

Hear Pastor Cecil read today's Evotional


2 Timothy 4:2 – Devotional

2 Timothy 4:2

“Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching.”

Sometimes God uses dire circumstances as a means of ministry. A missionary was rushed to a hospital with a ruptured appendix. While recuperating in a two-bed room, he was able to share a witness with his roommate in the other bed and lead him to the Lord.

During the cold war years there were many Christians who were imprisoned due to their belief in Jesus Christ. Rather than collapsing in a heap and feeling sorry for themselves, many used prison as an opportunity to preach the gospel.

In my own life I have endured occasional tests and trials. As I surrendered each situation to the Lord, He opened doors of ministry that could never have opened in any other way. It is not necessary for us to be perfect before He can use us—just forgiven. It is not necessary for us to complete a course of study to be used—just available. It is not necessary for us to be of a certain age to be used—just willing.

You may be enduring trials and tests right now. Please do not allow what you are experiencing to paralyze you from being used. Step forward and volunteer to serve in God’s army. Neither age nor physical limitations will disqualify. “God doesn’t call the qualified; He qualifies the called.”

Blessings dear hearts. Draw near to God today and be a blessing!

– – – Pastor Cecil

Share a blessing by inviting your friends and family to subscribe to Pastor Cecil’s Daily E-Votional by clicking on the Subscribe button above.

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One Year Bible Scripture for Today

by Pastor Cecil

One Year Bible Reading for March 9th:

      • Numbers 11:24-13:33
      • Mark 14:22-52
      • Psalm 52:1:9
      • Proverbs 11:1-3

Today Pastor Cecil is reading from the New King James Version (NKJV) if you’d like to follow along in your Bible.

New Testament, Psalms and Proverbs Scripture Reading for March 9th:

      • Mark 14:22-52
      • Psalm 52:1:9
      • Proverbs 11:1-3

Today Pastor Cecil is reading from the New King James Version (NKJV) if you’d like to follow along in your Bible.

If you have watched The Sands of Eternity video above and prayed the prayer at the end, please go to and use the form on the webpage to let us know so we can send you follow up resources and/or send an email to and let him know.

EQUIPPED! – 2 Timothy 3:16-17 Devotional

Hear Pastor Cecil read today's Evotional


2 Timothy 3:16-17 – Devotional

2 Timothy 3:16-17​

“All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.”

Recently I conducted a graveside service for a retired police officer. As I looked around the crowd of people in attendance I noticed that many of the police officers were dressed in full uniform with perhaps 20 to 30 pounds of high tech gear. I almost laughed out loud when I recalled what my own police gear looked like when I was a patrolman back in 1958 — a gun, extra ammo, handcuffs, and a badge.

That last item was most important. When I was sworn in as a police officer I gave my word to serve and protect the people of my community under the authority of that badge. The vast majority of citizens supported that authority.

God has equipped us with our very own badge of authority. It is the Word of God. Paul wanted his son in the faith, Timothy, to recognize the power he had been given by the Word of God: doctrine – reproof – correction – instruction in righteousness.

Every believer has the same equipment available today. We are equipped, but are we using what God has provided? Our badge of authority is the new birth and the equipment is His Word. Use it wisely and effectively!

Blessings dear hearts. Draw near to God today, trust Him completely and be a blessing!

– – – Pastor Cecil

Share a blessing by inviting your friends and family to subscribe to Pastor Cecil’s Daily E-Votional by clicking on the Subscribe button above.

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One Year Bible Scripture for Today

by Pastor Cecil

One Year Bible Reading for February 23rd:

      • Leviticus 14:1-57
      • Mark 6:30-56
      • Psalm 40:1-10
      • Proverbs 10:11-12

Today Pastor Cecil is reading from the New King James Version (NKJV) if you’d like to follow along in your Bible.

Scripture Reading for February 23rd

New Testament, Psalms and Proverbs Scripture Reading for February 23rd:

        • Mark 6:30-56
        • Psalm 40:1-10
        • Proverbs 10:11-12

Today Pastor Cecil is reading from the New King James Version (NKJV) if you’d like to follow along in your Bible.

If you have watched The Sands of Eternity video above and prayed the prayer at the end, please go to and use the form on the webpage to let us know so we can send you follow up resources and/or send an email to and let him know.

THE PROFIT OF THE WORD! – 2 Timothy 3:16 Devotional

Hear Pastor Cecil read today's Evotional


2 Timothy 3:16​ –  Devotional

2 Timothy 3:16

“All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.”

Listen to today’s Message of the Week by Pastor Cecil by clicking above on the play button.

Blessings dear hearts. Walk with God today and be a blessing!

– – – Pastor Cecil

Share a blessing by inviting your friends and family to subscribe to Pastor Cecil’s Daily E-Votional by clicking on the Subscribe button above.

Share the Lord with someone by directing them to

One Year Bible Scripture for Today

by Pastor Cecil

One Year Bible Reading for February 19th:

      • Leviticus 7:28-9:6
      • Mark 3:31-4:25
      • Psalm 37:12-29
      • Proverbs 10:5

Today Pastor Cecil is reading from the New King James Version (NKJV) if you’d like to follow along in your Bible.

Scripture Reading for February 19th

New Testament, Psalms and Proverbs Scripture Reading for February 19th:

      • Mark 3:31-4:25
      • Psalm 37:12-29
      • Proverbs 10:5

Today Pastor Cecil is reading from the New King James Version (NKJV) if you’d like to follow along in your Bible.

If you have watched The Sands of Eternity video above and prayed the prayer at the end, please go to and use the form on the webpage to let us know so we can send you follow up resources and/or send an email to and let him know.