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WITH THE EYES OF FAITH! – Job 42:5-6 Devotional

Job 42:5-6

“I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear, but now my eye sees You. Therefore I abhor myself, and repent in dust and ashes.”

We have several subscribers to the Daily-E-Votional who are partially or totally blind. I have found that often they have more spiritual sight than many of us with full vision. I received the following from my dear friend, Bill Hadden who fits this category. I trust his words will bless you as they have blessed me.

Cecil, I hope and trust that I am not intruding. You must receive 40 million emails per day. An event occurred on October 22, 2020 that I am compelled to share with any body and everybody.

My 64-year-old son and his 24-year-old son, my grandson, were camping in the mountains near Davis West Virginia. My son has a 40 foot RV and my grandson had followed from here in Lynchburg Virginia to the mountains in West Virginia.

They were actually camping in a State Park campground and after breakfast one morning they decided to go hiking on a trail some 15 or 20 miles from the campground. Don’t know the exact time frame but they were leisurely hiking when this little beagle dog started following them. Suddenly, my son felt short of breath, chest pain and overall weakness. My grandson had checked the little dog and there was no identification tag or any indication of ownership. While my son was laying on the ground, getting himself together, the little dog came over, curled up and lay down beside my son. My grandson then checked the collar and imprinted on the collar were the words “WALK WITH ME!”  If Anyone, Anyone, ever needed a manifestation of the Holy Spirit’s ever presence? There Is No Doubt. Cold chills still come over my 92-year-old body every time I share this experience. Finally got back to my grandson’s car, still no cell phone service, and they proceeded “looking for a signal” and came to a little old real country store. No cell phone or landline there but my grandson was advised that there was a hospital about a two-hour drive across the West Virginia/Maryland line. Drove there but the hospital was so small and not able/equipped to care for cardiac patients. Helicopter called from Morgantown West Virginia and my son transported there where he received two stents. Was released, about noon time on Sunday, and arrived back in Lynchburg Virginia around 8 PM. I am a person of faith and have been since I was 10 years old but this is the most dramatic/realistic/confirming event of the Always/Ever Presence of the Holy Spirit. I just needed to share. Take care! In Faith! God bless.

Blessings dear hearts. Draw near to God today, trust Him completely and be a blessing!

– – – Pastor Cecil