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ABOVE ALL! – John 3:30-31 Devotional

John 3:30-31

He must increase, but I must decrease. He who comes from above is above all; he who is of the earth is earthly and speaks of the earth. He who comes from heaven is above all.

John the Baptist became a mighty man of God that brought a message of repentance to the people in Israel. People flocked out to hear him, responded to his message and were baptized. You might think that John would be jealous of his territory and his reputation. His entire life had been devoted to serving the Lord in unwavering obedience. Now Jesus had appeared to begin His earthly ministry.

How would John react? Would he jealously hold tight to his ministry and reject the ministry of Jesus? The answer was “No!” The words that John spoke in today’s Scripture should be our attitude as well: He must increase, but I must decrease.

Wow! That is so profound and unexpected. Later, the disciples of Jesus would argue about who would be the greatest in the Kingdom. But here is John turning his back on personal gain.

When John’s disciples reported that many of his followers were now following after Jesus, he did not express resentment or bitterness. He knew that it was essential for him to fade into the background and allow His Lord to increase and accomplish His task. Are you willing to surrender your pride and self-centeredness? I pray you are!

Blessings dear hearts.  May God richly bless you as you bless others by your words and actions!

– – – Pastor Cecil