REVERSE AGING! – Job 19:26 Devotional
Job 19:26
“And after my skin is destroyed, this I know, that in my flesh I shall see God.”
I am stunned by the morbid preoccupation of people trying to reverse the aging process. Television ads tout expensive products that are guaranteed to make you look years younger. More and more people are having surgery to nip and tuck the sagging parts into what is supposed to be younger looking flesh. Cosmetic surgery often makes one look like they are wearing a mask and they can hardly smile.
Can I let you in on a little secret? None of us are getting younger. It seems like more and more of my friends and former members of congregations that I served as pastor have slipped into eternity. Those that remain are showing their age! A quick peek into a mirror shocks me at my aging process. I don’t mind. I have a new body waiting for me!
It is sad that with all of the energy and money being spent to prolong the life span that will soon pass away, many give little thought to preparing for a life that will last forever. Job had it right when he says that his skin will be destroyed. His encouragement was that he was going to receive a new and glorified body.
I for one want to devote my few days of this life in serving the Lord who has promised me that He has a new and improved body prepared for me. That is the ultimate way to reverse the aging process. Even so, come quickly, Lord Jesus!
Blessings dear hearts! Walk with God today and be a blessing!
– – – Pastor Cecil